Some feedback on how to learn chinese

Considering simplified mandarin chinese, including written hanzi.
My current level is between hsk2 and hsk3, after more than a year of study.
I'm a self learner, and also a slow learner which is precisely why I'm looking for efficiency.
Of course, nothing replaces real classroom courses, the methods suggested here are just complementary.

Methods diversification

The first method to apply, just like for financial asset management (after all, your language skills are assets), is simply diversification. You don't need to change methods all the time, but in order to verify your progress or verify that you are not doing things wrong, you have to consider changing methods from time to time. Some of the methods I suggested here may not be adapted to you for the moment, or not at all.

Your memory needs context

These listings are, in my opinion, some of the best resources you can find on the web in that area. Those lists mix words with a lot of background sentences to be used as concrete use-cases.

I personnally use this on a daily basis. Learning vocabulary this way helps memorize faster, and it is fixed in your memory with better durability (knowing in what context are used words greatly helps remembering them). You should get used to first study the words so that you get familiar with them, and then study use-cases of those words in sentences, this is really good for your progress. Now, the problem is that it's hard to keep a of everything: there are words you know by heart, but you never saw them used in a sentence... This is probably one of the reasons why standardized HSK levels exist (apart from punishment).

Hand-written style characters, instead of plain numeric style hanzi

It's always valuable

Choosing the wrong method or learning the wrong words happens from time to time. Whatever happens, you are not wasting your time. You make mistakes, you make progress.

Checking your advancement on a hsk list

Example of a standard list. This is not convenient for training. However, it may be used to check your current level.

For a more official way of asserting your level, you can take full tests such as the one that is presented here but this is a little bit overkill...


Such as chineseclass101 Practicing your oral comprehension on a regular basis is quite important. There are a lot of audio/video podcast out there. The pronunciation and the differences between the tones is an essential part of your training, especially on the beginning.

The problem with Anki and flashcard reader apps


All that said, I still recommand you to give anki a try, at least on the beginning. It is a great tool and spaced-repetition is a very efficient method (when properly executed).

Books, eBooks and the sheet of paper

radicals \ 部首 \ bùshǒu

They help a lot in many situations:

Be careful though, as I noticed there was a lot of discrepency between all the different listings you will find on the web: they either don't contain the same number of elements, are not on the same line about the use of tones sometimes, and it even happens that they simply disagree with the meanings Nevertheless, knowing the radicals soon enough will make you save precious time on the long run.



Speaking of studying chinese at university, i think going to study abroad if you have the opportunity to do so is one of the best decisions of your life. i wish i did it, i really wish. It is, however, still possible to make study trips for a few weeks or for a few months if you are not in your student years anymore.

going out

One might think that having a chinese girlfriend/boyfriend is the best way to learn chinese effectively. in my short experience, that's not the case (but for some it is, though...). Nevertheless, going out with chinese speaking friends sometimes is a very good idea. But not even for training: just to be reminded why you learn chinese, this will keep you highly motivated.


Wether for living or just for holiday, the reason is obvious. This immediately remind you why you started learning in the first place! Don't hesitate to do so, China is one of the best places in the world to go and to live, and one trip will never be enough.

One week routine example

Let me present to you a routine I follow in a typical week of learning:

My ideas for finding motivation